You know how when you find something that REALLY helps…


You know how when you find something that really REALLY helps you, you want to tell everyone you know? Over and over until they “get it”?

You know how you think you are the only one who: is scared to death all/most of the time – about stepping out and following your dreams? thinking that at some point everyone is going to figure out you are a fraud and don’t know what you are doing? or that you are the only one who DIDN”T “always know what they wanted to do with their life”?

Well, this is that thing I keep bringing up because it is all that (and a box of popcorn – if you provide the popcorn 🙂 you know)!!

I have been following Jeff Goins ( for a while now and he HAS actually encouraged me to take those steps to change my life and follow my dreams. Helped me realize I WASN’T the odd one out or the “scaredy-cat” who would never accomplish anything.

He helped me step out – IN MY FEAR – and learn that I am not alone. He helped me see that most of us are figuring it out as we go, and what we should be looking for to help figure it out.

His new book “The Art of Work” is for real people living real lives looking for real answers to take real actions to become who they want to/need to be. This book is not about what all the “cool kids” are doing and know, this book meets you where you are, helps you look at what  your life is telling you and how to keep walking forward to get where you need to go.

It is simple, not easy. And it works. And it will let you in on secrets others seem to hide: work, even that you love – still can be hard and boring sometimes – that’s not necessarily meant that you are in the wrong place.

For the rest of the great, encouraging, scary, exciting, compelling, take the jump truths – GET THE BOOK! I did!

For more information -go to: The Art of Work Get the Book & Bonuses – Don’t say I never did anything for you!  🙂

And let me know if you get the book/what you thought. Feel free to share in the conversation over at my Facebook page – Click Here.