Why I Think Math is More Popular than Emotions

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You know why I think “math’y” jobs are more popular, prestigious and make more money? I think it’s because they are safe. (Yes I know they are hard, but stick with me for a minute) There is no grey area to deal with, 1+1 is always two, no matter how I feel today or whether you love me or if I feel fat. It’s still 2.

And when I say it out loud I don’t have to worry that you are going to disagree with me or call me stupid or needy or mean about it. You’ll never tell me I didn’t add them often enough or appreciate them enough or that I didn’t make the numbers feel loved and cherished enough.

Numbers feel like a hiding place today. I wish I loved numbers more, but I care about people. And working with people is all messy and scary and you mostly don’t know for sure if you said just the right thing at just the right time. But you hope so.

Sometimes you did, sometimes you didn’t. All you can do is keep trying. Because when you care this much about people, it hurts so much to do it. But it hurts more not to.

So how are you feeling?

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