The Little Things Someone Does For You Really Add Up





It IS about the little things, NOT grand gestures. At least in relationships anyway. Sometimes as women we get stuck in the “romantic comedy mode” and lose touch with the reality of life. Life, especially a happy one, is made up of many little things across many days and years.

For instance, what if you had a choice between one big act such as the romantic proposal mode – done in a big way, something with flowers and dinner/wine and an audience, like the ones that make it to the internet but not much to report after that.

Or …

10 years of someone telling you every day that they love you, listening when you are sad, sharing the chores and the fun, remembering that you Don’t like nuts on your sundae – even though they do, making time for date night, loving your children, giving you hugs.

Which one would show you who you could depend on, who took the time to really love you, who you could trust with your heart?

Now I’m not saying grand gestures aren’t grand and fun, but they get all the accolades. Where’s the validation for the little things like getting up early and getting the kids ready for school so your spouse can sleep another 30 minutes? Or making coffee for your loved one. How often do we say “awesome” to those little things. Maybe it is time to adjust our idea of what love is.

And what we want out of it. Cuz I gotta tell ya, the guy who will clean up after me when I am sick is going to be much more of a hero than the guy who brings me roses and parks on my couch.

Now quite frankly, I admit I want both the little and the big things, but I know what is going to matter to me as I look back. And if I don’t get the grand gesture, I might be disappointed but I will live.

Bu it’s not going to be worth much in that 15 minutes in Romantic Land if it’s not backed up every day by the little things that actually tell me how much I am appreciated and loved. Don’t forget, that goes both ways.

What is the sweetest “little” gesture someone has done for you/said to you that let you know they really loved you? Can you put it into 3 words?

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