You Have To Be A Doormat To Be With A Narcissist, Right? Maybe Not.

    We all know that there are really selfish, uncaring, disrespectful, manipulative people out there. But we’re sure we’d recognize and avoid them. And they don’t exist in our circles of friends, relatives, acquaintances. Ok, well there is that one guy…. but he’s just a friend of a friend of someone’s cousin twice removed. […]

Shame, Blame & Guilt – What’s The Difference?

    Shame, Blame, and Guilt. We have all used, abused or been hijacked by these at some time. And they are often used correctly and incorrectly, interchanging them and projecting them on others. Maybe you’ve even been shamed and guilted into blaming yourself for someone else’s feelings or actions.  It’s confusing – we blame […]