The Law Of Diminishing Returns And Your Happiness

    The Law Of Diminishing Returns And Your Happiness   The law of diminishing returns or depreciation ,,,,,,, cars, phones and other items worth less every moment, every day.   We are more willing sometimes to spend money on things that are worth next to nothing tomorrow, in order to feel good today, essentially […]

Encore: Smile, It Will Annoy Enough Other People to Make it Worth It!

  I’ve always thought that people need to feel good about themselves and I see my role as offering support to them, to provide some light along the way.  Leo Buscaglia   A positive attitude may not solve your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. or Smile! It […]

Life is NOT a renewable resource. How do you really want to spend it?

    Have you been treating your time and life like it was a never-ending resource? Using busyness (or business) to keep from thinking about what you really want but aren’t pursuing, doing, being? I promise, this is NOT another do it all, have it all mantra. Our culture promotes busyness as opposed to fulfillment, […]