How To Move Forward! Simple, Not Easy. You Can Do It!

    Grieve. Share your story with someone worthy of hearing it. Be compassionate to yourself.   Know that you couldn’t know what you didn’t know, till you knew it. Learn to say no. Learn to build healthy boundaries. Learn the difference between helping, rescuing and enmeshing. Start implementing that knowledge to Not rescue.   […]

If They’re The Problem, Why Do I Need To Change?

    Short answer? Because you’re the one that wants a better life.   If you’re dealing with someone who has strong narcissistic traits, is extremely selfish and/or entitled, who has little empathy for you, they aren’t interested in changing. They don’t believe they have a problem, they believe you are the problem. They will […]

Codependents & Narcissists – Match Made In Hell Or It Feels Like It

    I grew up in a family where nearly everyone was either Codependent or a Narcissist. Generation after generation. But we didn’t know that. In fact the term, codependent didn’t even come into use until the 1970’s. We’ve been perfecting that role at least back to the 1800’s.   That was normal for us, […]