How To Move Forward! Simple, Not Easy. You Can Do It!

    Grieve. Share your story with someone worthy of hearing it. Be compassionate to yourself.   Know that you couldn’t know what you didn’t know, till you knew it. Learn to say no. Learn to build healthy boundaries. Learn the difference between helping, rescuing and enmeshing. Start implementing that knowledge to Not rescue.   […]

Some Days You’re Sad, Even When You’re Going in the Right Direction

    It seems like following your dreams, making good choices, moving forward in your life, they all should be linear, positive, happy times. You should be ecstatic (or at least pleased) when you see that circumstances are lining up to fulfill your long awaited desires.   So why am I flitting between happy and […]

Are You Being Emotionally Pimped for Love, Giving Without Getting?

Recently I was watching a cast reunion for a very popular movie and one of my personal favorites – Pretty Woman. It was fun to reminisce and you could tell that the cast members really liked each other and had enjoyed making the movie together. It made me think about the later scenes in the […]