Are You the “Before” in Your Own Success Story?

  ”Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”  Nido Qubein   “In my country, we go to prison first and then become president.” Nelson Mandela   Everyone loves a success story, a story of someone who has come from difficult circumstances, persisted toward their goals and succeeded […]

Are You Being Emotionally Pimped for Love, Giving Without Getting?

Recently I was watching a cast reunion for a very popular movie and one of my personal favorites – Pretty Woman. It was fun to reminisce and you could tell that the cast members really liked each other and had enjoyed making the movie together. It made me think about the later scenes in the […]

Seriously Selfish People in a Relationship Can Wreck You

What does it feel like being in a relationship with a Narcissist or Seriously Selfish Person (SSP), even the description is intense and painful. It starts out in a whirlwind of fun and excitement till you are hooked emotionally. Then it quickly changes for the dark. It feels: Emotionally wrecking: like being taken blindfolded to […]