Empathy – Essential For Your Relationships To Be Healthy And Loving

  Ask most people what is on their list for the “perfect mate” or even friends and relatives, you will hear lots of things. Probably looks, sense of humor, intelligence will show up on most lists. But something you are highly unlikely to hear – Empathy.   Empathy, what does that even really mean? Think […]

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones, And Names Will Really Hurt Me!

    Abuse is certainly not new nor evolving but our recognition of what abuse is, hopefully is improving. Many years ago it was considered acceptable to hit women, children and pets. It took a long time to get to the point where we as a society realized that we needed to stop the physical […]

Overcomers, Not Anonymous – Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

    This week was the first time I ever identified myself as a Domestic Violence Survivor. I re-posted a pic on Facebook, regarding Domestic Violence Awareness. I was surprised at how difficult that was for me to say.   I was surprised at how much I wondered what others would think of me, since […]