Why Do We Reward Those Who Hurt Us? Beware! Pigs Bite – Do Not Feed! Ever find yourself focusing on how to make others like you, appease that grumpy coworker, or agreeing with the aggressively manipulative person in your group? Ever wonder why? Ever find yourself frustrated and angry about why you […]
Is Your Picture Of Yourself Distorted?
Sometimes your picture of yourself – is totally off. Distorted. Like a curved mirror or a side mirror – “objects in mirror are closer than they appear” – what you think you see is not reality.
The Law Of Diminishing Returns And Your Happiness
The Law Of Diminishing Returns And Your Happiness The law of diminishing returns or depreciation ,,,,,,, cars, phones and other items worth less every moment, every day. We are more willing sometimes to spend money on things that are worth next to nothing tomorrow, in order to feel good today, essentially […]