It is exhausting to think about searching for new ways to do things, what is better, or what is not. But so is sitting in your own (or often someone else’s) dung. Taking that idea farther, sitting and wishing that others would treat you better, change, become who you want them to be (even […]
Are You a Rose Trying To Be a Lily?
There is no question that you are a valuable and unique individual. Your gift to yourself and the world is to be that person. So often though, we see someone else and their ideas, life, skills, gifts, accomplishments, world seems so much better than ours. Or it seems more accepted, important or valued. […]
Nice is NOT …
Growing up your parents, teachers, adults tend to tell you “be nice” whenever they want you to either do something they want or more often, quit doing something they don’t like. Likely you’ve said it to someone too, particularly if you were feeling embarrassed or angry about their behavior. The problem is, that scenario […]