What does it feel like being in a relationship with a Narcissist or Seriously Selfish Person (SSP), even the description is intense and painful. It starts out in a whirlwind of fun and excitement till you are hooked emotionally. Then it quickly changes for the dark. It feels: Emotionally wrecking: like being taken blindfolded to […]
Encore: Seriously Selfish People, You might have one in your life if…
How do you tell if someone you know is just not your cup of tea, may still need some time to mature or if they are really, really selfish? Here’s a good start. You might have a Seriously Selfish Person (SSP) in your life if:
Encore: How to Survive the Seriously Selfish Person in Your Life
Do you have people in your life that make you wonder how they can be so selfish? Maybe you are repeatedly amazed at how they can so easily ignore your feelings, treating you as if you don’t matter. Or do they flip-flop between charismatic charmer and cold as ice. Or hair-trigger angry rage over […]