I am publishing this post early so you get to read it before the New Years Resolutions pressure hits. Here’s some help: This week contains New Years Day which is traditionally a time to assess the last year, choose goals and move forward on that path in our lives. Or more accurately […]
Wishing You A Merry Christmas 2016
To all who see this, whether you have been reading regularly, just stumbled upon it, or are looking for information on how to deal with some of the pain in your life: I wish you a Christmas Holiday with peace, with joy, with satisfaction and with a hunger to deepen and […]
Celebrating “Being There” Today, I Was Mindful of Each Moment
Last week, we talked about how easy it is “Not” to be in the moment, the event, or even in your life. Because it is an issue for me and many of us, I too have been trying to be more in the moment, especially the good ones. And I have tried to […]