Have you had people in your life who seem to keep score constantly of anything they do for you? It seems like they keep an account book giving themselves credit for any action they deem to be positive. And a list of all the negative things you have done. They tend to […]
Professional Eggshell Walker – No Pay, No Benefits, Unending Stress
Sometimes we are so used to a situation or behavior that it seems normal to us. This is commonly true for those of us who grew up in a household where a parent or grandparent was especially difficult or demanding. Others in the family may have normalized it with comments like “oh, that’s just […]
Jan Smith interview in Siouxland Life about New Year’s Resolutions & Goals
I’m pretty excited about this, I have been waiting for it to come out, for about a month, since we did the interview. It’s for a magazine put out by our local newspaper, the Sioux City Journal. Today the latest edition of “Siouxland Life” was released, containing the recent interview done by Ally […]