First In A Series: What Life is Like With A Narcissist – The Win/Lose Agenda Win/Lose – If you’ve ever had a, ahem, “discussion” with a Narcissist, where you did not agree with them you may have found that they can take offense over the smallest differences of opinion. When it […]
News Flash: Making Memories Is The Best Payback For Your Money
Research is now showing that one of the longest lasting paybacks of money spent and time spent is the making of memories. In other words, that new pair of shoes or gadget or whatcha-ma-thingey may be enjoyable. But spending time doing something, going somewhere, having shared experiences has a generally higher payback in […]
Do You Feel Like You’re Never Living In Today?
Here we are, fully into summer, on the brink of July. Again. And again I am shocked. As though it had never happened before. I am continually shocked at the passage of time. I am continually feeling a bit lost and disheveled…. like I am not quite sure of the path. I don’t […]