The difference between bitterness and warning others, don’t chase the snake. Bitterness – you’re still running either hot with emotion or stone cold with no emotion when you discuss “that person, situation or scenario”. Warning others – you’ve neither stuffed your feelings or let them control your actions. Your motivation is not […]
The Full Hand Can’t Receive. Why You Need To Let Go
One of the myths of reaching your dreams is the idea that it will be all joy. And all receiving. It could happen that way. But the other part, the part you don’t often hear about, is that you have to be willing to let go. You have to let go in order […]
Bait & Switch – How You Can Be Deceived By A Narcissist
Bait & Switch – The Narcissist’s Method Of Capturing Kind, Intelligent People The Narcissist presents at first as a charming, caring, thoughtful person. They cannot keep up this persona long-term. But with the right motivation (capturing a new victim) they will make great efforts. Generally, at the beginning of a relationship, […]