Trump: Are You Giving Him All Of The Power To Save Or Destroy Your Life?

    Are you Giving the Narcissist, or Selfish Person, or Someone you disagree with in your life all of the power? Many people are thrilled about the results of last week’s presidential election. And many people are very upset about the results. They admit to being disappointed, fearful, anxious, disenchanted, and feeling their voice […]

That nagging feeling something’s not right, never good enough.

    That nagging feeling that something’s not right, that you can never be good enough for “him/her,” that feeling that everything is your fault – if you would just be better. And they tell you you’re not quite good enough. But at least he/she doesn’t hit me. But at least she/he is better than […]

Life is NOT a renewable resource. How do you really want to spend it?

    Have you been treating your time and life like it was a never-ending resource? Using busyness (or business) to keep from thinking about what you really want but aren’t pursuing, doing, being? I promise, this is NOT another do it all, have it all mantra. Our culture promotes busyness as opposed to fulfillment, […]