Need to Get Out of a Rut – Might Need to Try Something Wild & Crazy




Sometimes you just know you are in a serious rut. Especially when you decide that you need to do something; something shocking, different, “wild & crazy” to jolt you out of that mind-numbing safety zone. At least that is what I felt.

Now obviously, I wasn’t and am not talking about something illegal, physically harmful or dangerous. What I was talking about was doing something out of the ordinary, something out of that rut. Something that might feel like I was going to stand out and people would question my choice. Something fun that seemed out of the accepted expectations for a woman “of a certain age” (don’t ask) or in my profession (therapist) or just the norm – whatever that is (a setting on your dryer).

I knew I needed to do something a little bit uncomfortable, a little bit scary, a little bit controversial. I needed to do something wild & crazy. Okay, I knew I was really in a rut when I couldn’t even think of anything wild and crazy that I could do. In fact, I had told someone (who could hold me accountable and was encouraging) that I thought I needed to do this. They were very encouraging. A week later, I was still thinking.

But today, I got my hair cut again, and suddenly I knew what I needed to do. Even though I was still debating my follow-through on this project, all the way from gathering the necessary items, check-out and the trip home.

Over a year ago, when my hair was coming back, and gratitude for life (and hair) had me a little sassy and braver, I had wanted to dye my hair pink. I got some push back and some encouragement, but I never did it.

I had seen a medical professional over the last year who had multiple Crayola colors dyed in stripes of her hair. I was so surprised when I first saw it. My thought was “that’s not how a professional is supposed to look.” Did it affect her knowledge, her skill or her ability to do her job? No! It just gave her an option for showing her individuality. Hmmmmmm…

So today, to help jumpstart my faith in myself, my own choices, and choosing not to worry what others think, I did the risky thing. To acknowledge and validate the free spirit in me, jump out of the rut and to do something fun – just for me – I dyed my hair pink. With the possibility of purple to follow.

Funny how a little bit of color in a little bit of a bottle can affect how I feel about myself, push me to face my fears and help me block out all of the worry about what “they” will think.

Okay, maybe not all of it is blocked out, but it’s a little dimmer. Here’s to rut jumping! It may not be climbing a mountain, but hey, baby steps. Right?

What’s that little something that you’ve been wanting to do to get out of your rut? That smallest thing to get you unstuck and be fun? Obviously, not something that will put you at risk, but something you want to do to for you. I willing to share my pink hair dye  😉

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