Nature Abhors A Vacuum; What’s Being Sucked Into Your Life?




Find a beautiful piece of art. If you fall in love with Van Gogh or Matisse or John Oliver Killens, or if you fall in love with the music of Coltrane, the music of Aretha Franklin, or the music of Chopin – find some beautiful art and admire it, and realize that that was created by human beings just like you, no more human, no less.  Maya Angelou


You may have heard that life abhors a vacuum; indeed it will actually suck other things into it until it is filled. Think of the vacuum sealed pouch, once unsealed it actually pulls the air or water around it until it is full.

I want you to think of your life that way too; your mind especially. Your mind is always looking for something to focus on, to think about, to ponder on. If you only choose to surround yourself and your mind with those things that are sad, or bitter or infuriating or demoralizing and paralyzing, then your mind has no choice but to pull all of that in until there is nothing else to think of.

Again, it is like a vacuum sealed pouch. If opened under water, it will fill with water. And even what is in the pouch will be wet, soggy and saturated, possibly useless. But if that pouch is opened away from the water, where there is fresh air, it will fill with air and there will be room to add more if you desire.

That’s the same way it is when choosing to contemplate and focus on hopeful ideas, on the good in life, on the beauty and love in the world. The more that you focus on it, the more you will see, no matter which you choose – beauty, or shame and anger.

To fill your mind (like the pouch) with the desired contents, you must surround yourself with the things you deem to be beautiful and it has never been easier than now. You can find beauty and virtue and joy in the world around you.  Look for nature, look for beauty in books, and pictures and movies and libraries and songs and… Well, you get it.

Look for real beauty, not lust; they are not the same. It costs nothing to enjoy the trees and grass outside your window or a hug for a loved one or a smile given to a stranger.

The wonderful thing is, the more you fill your mind with beauty, the harder it is for ugliness to get in or stay. You choose.

Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder – go out and behold some! And let it be “sucked” into your soul!   🙂

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