More Powerful than You Know: Choose Change or Same


If you don't choose to change - poster


So often we get stuck in the limbo land of Change or Same. We can get so caught up in worrying about the things that will or won’t happen if we choose to do something different that we become frozen in place.

Or so we think. We think, “I’ll just stand here until I figure out how to make the perfect choice. I won’t make any choice until ….”

Obviously, we do need to consider the consequences of our choices, and as best we can, choose what aligns with what we want to bring into our lives. The problem is when we “choose” not to choose. We think it is safer to avoid the choice, avoid the fear of the unknown, avoid the responsibility of something different.

The lie we embrace then, is that if I don’t choose, I avoid change, and I am not responsible because I did not make a choice. Here’s the lie: you did choose. I chose. We all choose. When we do not make a choice to change – We CHOOSE to stay on and continue on the path we are on. That is a choice!

I may be choosing to stay comfortable by not changing. I may be choosing to avoid fear. I may be choosing “not now/maybe later” or I may believe that I can avoid problems by staying where I am, telling myself that I am not ready to choose. I may believe that by avoiding or delaying choosing, I am protecting myself.

If I am standing in the road, a truck is coming toward me, I either choose to change and get out of the road. Or I CHOOSE to stay where I am. I do not say “the truck can’t hit me because I am not choosing to make some change.” (Well, I can say that, but I will be just as flat after the truck runs me over.)

If I choose not to change and make healthier choices, I am choosing the possibilities associated with that, like being sedentary or eating poorly. If I choose to stay in a relationship where I am treated abusively and am ignoring my gut feelings (red flags), I am likely to get to the point where I do not see that I have the power to make choices. You can become so numb to the daily crises that you don’t even think there is a choice anymore. Or that the only choices are all bad ones.

There usually is no “perfect” answer. I can choose to stay the same or change, either way, there will be consequences. There will be things I like about those choices and things I don’t like. And sometimes both choices stink, but in different ways.  Either way, I am responsible for my actions.

Wouldn’t you also rather be responsible for the victories?

Whatever you choose, know you have chosen. You are the Chooser! Bet you didn’t know you were so powerful.    🙂

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