Living the Exceptional Life – Except for Me (and You)



Are you living the Exceptional Life? The life of “all the rules of blessings apply to everyone” Except Me? The life of mercy and forgiveness for all Except Me? The life of “never put up with being treated that way” or “you are worth so much – not for what you do but because of who you are” – Except for me!


I’ll bet you wouldn’t let your friends, family, loves ones, or kids get away with those kinds of remarks. I’ll bet you would tell them why they are NOT the Exception; that they are indeed valuable and worthwhile. I bet you would even go on about hope and love and courage and acceptance, topped off with an extra helping of emotional support and compassion.


Hmmmmmm. So why does this NOT apply to you? Or me? It is so much easier to believe for others than for ourselves. After all, we see all of our faults and failures, 24/7. We love others, so we immediately see why they need to love themselves and reach for more.


But ourselves! Well, we know that we know better, and yet fail. And we expect more out of ourselves. Isn’t that kind of judgy (made-up word that should be in the English language)? Are we really thinking we are that much better, higher-functioning, and more intelligent than the rest of the world? (yep, the flip)


Well, when you put it that way!! When we hold ourselves to a higher standard than humanity, it begs the question, “Why”


When we don’t think there is any possible chance or opportunity that no matter what we do, we can improve or reach a goal – hope is lost and we quit. So to hold ourselves to higher accountability, is our minds way of saying “you really can do this, you are capable, you are worthwhile.”


So listen to yourself! And start giving that same encouragement and compassion to your smart, caring, worthy, “Exceptionally Wonderful” self! Me too! No Exceptions.    🙂


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