Laying Down Baggage? How to Straighten Out Your Path




Off-kilter due to baggage. Off-kilter due to dropping baggage.

We walk in circles. Everyone lists a little to one side and that is why if you start out walking into the desert, forest or some place where there are no landmarks – you will walk in circles.

Our baggage causes the same thing. We lean to one side or the other, balancing the weight of the baggage we carry. We don’t notice it though. At least not until we have gone a long way. Then we find out we are way off course from where we wanted to go.

Carrying that baggage affects us so much that even when we lay it down, we may over-correct for the change in balance of carrying the weight. This can be true both physically and emotionally.

We expect that once we have laid down the bag – we will now walk totally straight. Actually, we need to train ourselves to quit carrying unseen baggage, rebounding to the other side, and how to walk straight.

If we don’t realize that and train for it (think of it as physical therapy or emotional therapy), to straighten our course and learn to correct for getting off-track, we just keep circling in our puddle of mess.

Many times people don’t realize this, going off on a tilt the other way from where they were. And finally end up off course again, even angrier then when they started, disappointed that all of their hard work did not get them where they wanted to go.

Think of it as paddling a boat with one oar. If you keep paddling on one side – you will not go straight. If you switch and only paddle on the other side, you still won’t go straight. You just go another direction. Or circle the other way.

You must course correct continually, looking for ways to identify when you are off track. Then you can be confident that you are moving toward the goal you desire.

There are lots of ways to check your course, but be sure that those checks are balanced too. If you have friends who are achieving what you want, they can be a help to guide you. Check with a counselor, a trainer, someone who has some perspective and training on what you are aiming for.

And don’t forget, no one is perfect. We’re all a little off. 🙂   But combined, generally we can move forward.


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