In a Narcissist Relationship? You CAN get your life back!




One thing I want you to know is, that even if you have been in a relationship with a Narcissist, you can come out the other side. You can get your life back. Get your peace back. Get your hope back. You can even regain your ability to believe in yourself.


Some things will come back quickly, like the lack of confrontation may bring a huge sense of peace to your home. You may feel so much lighter and freer now that you don’t have to carefully negotiate the mine field of egg shell covered emotional triggers.


Other things will take a while. If you’ve been in this relationship for  while, you have been trained and conditioned to doubt yourself, take the shame for everything, and feel you are worthless.


If you have been in this place of one-down with a Narcissist, you have essentially had brainwashing techniques used on you. These techniques are all about teaching you to accept that the Narcissist has the power and control. Your power and control. Making you believe that you have no choice.


That will change. For some, there’s a sudden revelation, for others, it is a slow reveal. Many experience both, but more of the slow cognition.


But the one think I want you to know is, no matter what your Narcissist says, you control your power. And that is the scariest idea for your Narcissist so they must hide that from you.


You CAN walk away from their emotional control. You can learn how to deal with their behaviors. You can learn how to recognize a Narcissist. And best of all, you can learn NOT to get back into relationships with Narcissists.


You will probably need help, but you can do it alone, if you have to. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. That is exactly what your Narcissist DOESN’T want you to do. Do it anyway!


Find people and professionals who really understand Narcissistic Abuse. Keep looking till you find people who will care and stand with you. They really are out there, including domestic abuse organizations.


Take back YOU! Even if you just realized YOU were missing. You CAN get your life back!


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