How To Move Forward! Simple, Not Easy. You Can Do It!




Share your story with someone worthy of hearing it.

Be compassionate to yourself.


Know that you couldn’t know what you didn’t know, till you knew it.

Learn to say no.

Learn to build healthy boundaries.

Learn the difference between helping, rescuing and enmeshing.

Start implementing that knowledge to Not rescue.


Accept yourself.

Accept that what happened, happened.

Know that what happened to you doesn’t define you.

Know that yesterday doesn’t get to decide your tomorrow.

Know you get to choose to be a survivor or an overcomer or a victim.

Don’t let situations or others decide who you are.

Learn to say yes.


Learn to listen to your gut.

Pay attention to red flags.

Be the most authentic you that you can be.

Let others take care of becoming their authentic selves.


Be grateful.

Make a gratitude list. Read it every day.

There will always be those better off and worse off than you.

Help someone who is worse off than you.


Live today, today. Really be there.


Smile. Because you can.

It helps.



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