How To Hang Onto The Good Moments Of Today


basket of produce


Ever have a great day or something good happens, and you are feeling great? Then something disappointing, frustrating or flat out bad happens?


I was having one of those days this week. I was so excited about an interview I got to do, sharing ways to set goals you can really accomplish and be proud of.  It went well (IMO), the interviewer and photographer were really nice, and hopefully, it will make it to print. The whipped cream on top (I don’t like cherries) was a beautiful sunny day, with unusually mild temperatures.


Driving home, I am cranking up the tunes, singing along with a little head banging, just enough that my kids would have been mortified if they had been with me. Life was good! And then ….


Then I look down at my dashboard. A bright, scary light is blinking at me, screaming “Check Engine.”  “Are you kidding me!” My knee-jerk reaction was to run all of the possible worst case scenarios including prices through my mind. Then I jumped to how car repairs were going to take all of my savings, and I wouldn’t have money for the Christmas gifts for my family. And on, and on, and on. All before I even had time to take an exit off the highway to head to the auto mechanic.


So I went from 100% thrilled to negative numbers, in 60 seconds or less. It’s like I erased the good part of the day and only the bad part counted. Have you done that?


Fortunately, I started to talk myself through the experience. Although, I didn’t know how the situation would turn out with my car, that did not eliminate the fun I had earlier. It was not an either/or decision. I could hang onto the fun day, it did happen. And I could dial it down on the panic, wait to see what the mechanic found. Either way, I still got to keep the good part.


Often, we think it’s like the game show where you have to choose one deal or another, give up what you’ve won to move to the next opportunity for a deal.  You get to keep the good days, the good memories, the accomplishments, not matter what else happens.


In fact, focusing on the good is what makes our lives livable, joyful and builds a power of resilience. It builds the optimism that life can be good again when you are going through hard times. It’s like having a basket of goodies sent to you, you make not like everything in the basket. Focus on what you do like, enjoy those, and move on from the yucky stuff.


You will have to deal with difficult times but live in the good times. Then make your choices from there. That way you will make choices for good things to come into your life, even if you have to let some bad things go.


So, I had a Great Day! Hope you did too!


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