How To Avoid Ending Up Like A Deflated, Wrinkled up, Empty Balloon



So many times we are seeking to validate our actual existence, hoping to please others and bring them joy, help others. Somewhere along the way, the desire to serve and the need for validation becomes jumbled and it becomes like oxygen to us. Without it, we feel panicky. We feel we are not doing enough, being enough, reaching enough.


And worst of all, that helium high can’t be sustained. There is a big ole’ leak in our balloon. That squeal you hear is the escaping self-esteem. You tie a knot to hold it in, but there’s always pin holes and balloon breakdown. The more you seek to refill your balloon and fly high, the more you see your balloon showing fatigue and signs of breakdown.


So what do you do? Go back to examine your motives. Has your desire to do good morphed into the desire to have others think you’re good? Take it back to the focus on the need/goal/service.



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