Housekeeping, Furniture Rearranging, Changes In Posting




Ever so often we have lots of changes at the same time in our lives, sort of a housekeeping, furniture rearranging. Right now is one of those times for me. My “To Do” list is spread across many post-its, in an effort to keep updating them and bring some kind of categorization. Plus, it just looks so pretty, like a mosaic table.  🙂

When I find my way out of the avalanche of notes, and some of the changes have come to pass, I will definitely be sharing. The changes are expected, unexpected, scary, exhilarating, exhausting and empowering. Woo Hoo.

I have been saying that I needed to do something scary, wild and exciting. Well, I’m working on it. Maybe not big to someone else, but big to me.

In the meantime, I will be changing how often I publish here. I am so thankful for those of you who read and those who pass it on. That’s why I want you to know that I will be going to once a week rather than twice a week. At least for now. We’ll see how it works out with that schedule.

Still the same me, still showing up here. But we’ll meet once a week. See you here. Thanks!