Gratitude – Looks Like A Flip Flop Shower Curtain


Flip Flop Shower Curtain


We hear frequently that being grateful can make life better or to “count your blessings.” What does that really look like in daily life though, especially when life is going “not according to plan” (which is generally most of it).

So we may start off: I’m thankful I’m alive (except on Mondays – because I hate my job and Mondays), I’m thankful I have friends (except that one – you know who you are – my frienemy) and I’m thankful for my family (except crazy aunt Bertha, and my kids when they drive me crazy, and……). Pretty soon you have either left gratitude land or run out of “gratefuls” while only a handful in.

And you’re on to thinking about all the “excepts” on your list instead. You want to be grateful. You want to be happier and more thankful except you just can’t seem to get there. Other than constantly watching the trauma of others to see how worse off others are (good for reality check but not all the time), what do you do?

Start with the little things. Because, let’s face it, most of life is played out in the little things. Big things come occasionally, and not always even then. But the little things are everywhere waiting to be noticed and praised. For instance, you can join in with lots of people who love fall.

Spend a minute to observe and feel the beauty of Autumn. See the colors of the leaves, all gathered together and playing off of each other like a giant yard full of crayons. Feel the refreshing cool breeze. Enjoy the vivid pumpkin oranges and gourd yellows and greens.

Breathe. Really! Stop, breathe and take in all this. Then be thankful for today’s portion, not lopped onto your plate like a week’s worth of mashed potatoes. But given an eyeful for today. Breathe. Thank you for the changes and the colors. And it didn’t cost me a thing.

Did you enjoy your coffee today? (Or whatever you drink – tea, pop, water.) Enjoy the taste, the feel in your mouth, the reality that you have access to it. Embrace the richness of access to something clean, wet and of your choice. Take another sip.

Breath. Taste. Go ahead – smile. Both because you’re enjoying it and because you’re chuckling at yourself sniffing your coffee. It’s okay. Grateful is exceptional and this is your chance to be exceptional.

When you start looking for those little things in your life to be grateful for, two things happen. One, what you look for, you will find. Which brings much more gratitude and joy into your life because you are purposing to enjoy your life.

And second, you will start to enjoy what you do have more. You will actually get better at enjoying your life. Which makes you more grateful. Even when things are not going the way you want. (See the pattern there?)

Just like you, I have had a lot of setbacks, delays and 180 degree turns in my life and plans. Some things just have taken and incredible amount of time to happen. Or I’m still waiting. But I find that I weather, wait and enjoy my life better when I take time to enjoy what is here now.

Not everything I’m grateful for costs money. But today what is bringing me some joy is a bargain I got on a shower curtain and curtain rings. I knew I needed some bright colors and a change to help me get through the next part of my journey.

So I chose a BRIGHT, beautiful shower curtain covered with flip flop sandals. Flip flops are a signal to me of joy, relaxation and peace. So at my house today, gratitude looks like a shower curtain. And tiny little flip flops on the hooks.  🙂

What does gratitude look like for you today? Share it in 3 words or less on the Facebook page today.


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