Forget the Glass Half Empty Question, Can You Fill It?



Is the glass half empty or half full? Does it really matter?

What if the point is can you fill up the glass? If the glass is our life or what we believe about ourselves as far as value, it doesn’t really matter so much about where the glass is right now. 

It doesn’t even matter so much about how it got filled or emptied, whether you had someone who was depleting your self-value or someone who was trying to help you build you up. Obviously the latter is a better place to start. And we all can use supportive and uplifting people around us. We need them. 

But more than that we need to be able to see ourselves as able to fill the glass. We need to decide whether we are going to let others decide who we are, what our value is and what our resources are emotionally, intellectually and relationally. Or whether we are going to make that decision for ourselves, taking the power to choose how we feel and what we believe. 

We can “fill” our own cup with compassion, acceptance and encouragement. Before we can love others we have to love us first – to fill that cup. It doesn’t mean that you are perfect, that you haven’t made mistakes or that you aren’t going to mess up in the future. 

But it does mean that you are valuable today, just as you are. And you accept that you need to make some changes, that you want to grow, but that you are more than “what you do”. 

You are the only one who really can fill that cup. You can have people telling your wonderful 24 hours a day/7 days a week. But if you don’t believe it, none of that validation will fill you up. 

You have to choose to fill you up. With compliments from others, with satisfaction from being and doing what you believe in. With growing, listening and being more you today than yesterday. Start pouring those good things in to you – the pay-off is incredible.

What is one word you can say about yourself today to start filling your cup?

Feel free to share it in the conversation over at my Facebook page – Click Here.