Encore: Gratitude – Your Super Power!



Some days you just don’t know how you can make it one more day, how you can do what you need to do. Sometimes you want to just sit in a pile on the floor, limp like the laundry.

Sometimes you want to just puddle all over the linoleum. Or the carpet. Or someone, anyone, who will listen. And grabbing a listening ear is a great idea.

But sometimes that’s not an option. Or you’ve been telling the same old story so long – even you are sick of hearing it. You need more power to lift you off of that floor and get you where you are going, get your face up in to the light.

You need the super power of gratitude. Looking at what you do have, have received, can do. That is the gratitude that will change your attitude.

Time to start taking inventory of the good in your life. The bad will always take care of itself, you never need to count it! 1. I’m still breathing…. 2. ….

What one word describes what you are most grateful for? Feel free to share in the conversation over at my Facebook page – Click Here.