ENCORE: 7 Quick Strategies Moving You Forward To Achieving Your Goals



No matter who you are, who’s your boss or where you want to go – help to get you going “that way!”


Okay, now that you have your “Why“, your areas for work to bring balance, and your SMART goals, you’re ready for the next step. It’s time to be working your plan.

Here are 7 strategies to keep you moving forward toward achieving your goals:

  1. Keep goals in front of you literally, visually. Find ways to make sure you see and read your goals at least once a week but preferably every day. Use your imagination, creativity and notice where you will be most likely to see them. Perhaps you put a copy of the list on your bathroom mirror, on your screensaver or someplace you will see them each day.
  2. You may want to choose to read through your goal list quickly as the last thing before you go to bed or first thing in the morning as part of your routine.
  3. Reassess your goals regularly for accomplishment, progress, and/or need for new strategy.
  4. Assess that your goals aren’t boring, leading you to failure. Are they uninspiring, not that they are too scary to strive for, but that they are not important enough to you?
  5. With each goal, there should be some excitement and some fear/discomfort. If not, it probably is too small or not right for you.
  6. Work through scary. If it isn’t scary, it keeps you on the couch – sprouting potato leaves.
  7. Reassess early on, is it really your goal or someone else’s goal for you? The answer is in your “Why.”

Remember to tell yourself:  “Failure isn’t final, it’s only feedback.” (Repeated by Michael Hyatt and others)

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