Changing Your Mind/Direction/Ideas/Rules Makes You Wrong?



Changing Your Mind/Direction/Ideas/Rules

Ever feel like if you change your mind about important topics, change your direction in life, change your ideas about what things are or mean, change your rules about right/wrong/whatever – that you then have to explain every other choice you’ve made in your life?

Like if you think something different now, that means every other choice you’ve ever made in your life must have been wrong?

Yeah. Me, neither.


Maybe it doesn’t have to be either/or.

Maybe before was before and it was appropriate or the best you could do with what you knew. At that time. For that circumstance.

Why do we think there has to be one answer that does not change what we choose or our perspective on life?

Wouldn’t that mean that we can’t learn? Or change our mind? Or be open to differences in times, people and situations?

What if I don’t have to go back and prove/disprove every decision I ever made, in order to move forward with a decision to do something different today?


Ever change your mind about what you want your life to be like moving forward?

Yeah. Me too!


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