Beauty Marks. Look For Yours. They’re Pretty Special!



There are lots of famous and beautiful women who have “beauty marks” which are considered to only add to their beauty and mystique. Some of the most famous come to mind, Marilyn Monroe and the famous mole on her cheek. It just drew your attention to her beautiful face, never taking away.


She could have tried to hide it, it wasn’t necessarily the classic beauty attribute. But it actually ended up setting her apart so much that women, even now, have drawn a fake beauty mark to their own faces.


Others currently that come to mind are Cindy Crawford, Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansson.  And many others including Natalie Portman who has two. Sometimes what we might think we should hide or cover to increase our beauty actually gives us the chance to be brave and strong and show who we are. And that is really beautiful.


So maybe we need to extend that category of beauty marks a little farther. Move it from just moles on your face or overgrown freckles on your body, to include more. Maybe we need to move it to include those individual beauty marks that show we are strong and beautiful. Maybe we need to recognize and admire the beauty and strength of surviving and overcoming.


Because how do we know when someone has worked through a tough situation or kept going even when they didn’t much feel like it? Like someone who has come through a surgery to save their life or survived treatment for cancer or other diseases and/or situations? We see that they have survived by the scars they carry. We hear the voice of the overcomer when they tell their story. Now that’s a beauty mark!


Be proud of your scars that show you are a Survivor! An Overcomer! You are Beautiful!


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