100 Steps of Action – Proving the Decision to Reach a Goal


A real decision is measured by the fact that you’ve taken a new action. If there’s no action, you haven’t truly decided.  Tony Robbins


Often we decide to do something, and we think about it. And think. And think. And maybe research or postpone. Or wonder why it doesn’t happen. Then we get discouraged because, once again, our goal wasn’t reached, our decision seems worthless, and we are still stuck. What to do, how to change it?


I have experienced that more times that I will admit to in print. And numerous times with my idea to write a blog. I wanted to share my experiences and knowledge in order to help others. I just wasn’t sure how to start. Or how to keep going. Or even if anyone wanted to hear anything I had to say.


This isn’t the first blog I started. Or that never even made it out of my mind and onto the screen. But this time I decided I was going to start it anyway, commit to writing every week and let go (ha ha) of whether someone was reading. I needed to put it out there and just trust that whoever needed to read it would.


What was different this time? I set a day to publish each week, no matter what. I wrote regardless. I started the page, accepted it would never be “ready” or done. I just had to do it. Done really is better than perfect.


The action made the difference. It shows the decision I made. It is the reason today I am celebrating. Because today, with this posting, this blog hits post #100! A year ago that wasn’t even on my mind. It was just about getting the pages to work and getting one done.


If you have a goal you have been flirting, hiding from or courting, take an action. Any action. Then one more. And so on. Do it for you. Maybe someone else will come along for the ride. But if not, you are the one you have to please anyway.


What’s a decision you’ve been thinking about for a while? What action do you want to take today to make that happen? Start your #1 today. Let me know how it’s going.


And if you feel like it and have a general question about recovering from relationships with Narcissists, feel free to share on my Facebook page. Be sure to remember that is public so protect yourself and your privacy.


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