Wherever You Go – There You Are. What If You’re Not?




Years ago, there used to be a joke going around, starting out sounding like a wise sage about to give life advice. It was of course: Wherever you go – there you are. And bam! No wise information on which to base your life journey.


But, I think we need to take a new look at that statement. It may actually be delivering some wisdom now. Although, it was originally a joke, now it could be a directive. So often we are juggling so many things on our To-Do list, that our minds are always in overdrive.


We are thinking about what has to be done today and tomorrow, whether we got everything done yesterday and if we forgot anything. We are “waiting until  ________ happens” and then we will be happy. We can’t wait till we finish school, get a great job, get married, have children, the children get older, the children grow up, we get promoted, we get bla bla bla.


We are so busy flitting between yesterday, later today, and tomorrow, that we never experience today. We are not here right now! It makes life like watching a TV show. We  observe it but we are not part of the performance, the presentation; maybe barely part of the plot. We may not even catch the plot. Until we are looking back at it as one of a string of yesterdays.


That’s unfortunately, when it is too late to have “been there.” Or to make a change in what happens/happened. The only way to get to enjoy those goals, events and everyday moments is to start today.


Start showing up! Start being there! Start today to live – wherever you go, there you are! Don’t look back and wonder why you didn’t enjoy the experience of your life. Experience every moment.


When you are with your family, doing what you have to do, participating in an activity, stop. Stop, look around, take in all of the sights. What does everybody look like today, what are they feeling, what does it look like around you? What do the smells and lights and other sensations actually feel like; experience them.


Stop and realize that these everyday moments are the little pieces that make up your whole quilt of life. To look back in memory at the pieces, you have to see it the first time – before it’s a memory. Take it all in. And share that presence with others. Really listen, really share, really be there.


You may find you are enjoying your life more because you are really experiencing it. And you may have less regrets as you look back. Because you really experienced it, not just watched the movie.


If you are fully present in the moment, you have more control to be who you want to be, what you do, where you want to go, and who’s in your journey with you.


As we go into the holidays and the new year, this is a good time to start. Touch the fabrics, taste the food, smell the scents, love your family and friends, hug someone. And determine that for you: Where you go – There you really are!


(As we go into the New Year, sometime over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some helps to making goals you will actually be able to achieve and enjoy. Stay Tuned!)


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