What Shows Up in the Tough Situations is You – Not Them



The people and circumstances around me do not make me what I am, they reveal who I am” — Laura Schlessinger

Action expresses priorities.  Mahatma Gandhi

When you peel away the self-blame and the other-blame (blaming everyone/anyone else), when you are brave enough to turn on the light and identify both the good and the ugly things about yourself, when you see how you treat others and act when no one is looking – then you begin to see you are.

Are you brave enough to take responsibility for who you are today and who you can be tomorrow? Then you can choose to respond in anger or in hope, in compassion and empathy or in hate.

What shows up in the tough situations is you – not them. The yelling, the laughing, the helping, the crying – it’s all you.

Fill yourself with things that will bring out what you want to be you. Be who you are, who you can be: because of, in spite of, and irregardless of  – others.


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