What Is the Smallest Bit of Success You Can Identify in Your Life?


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Nothing succeeds like success.   Old Proverb


Like the child learning to walk, you start with the success of rolling over, then crawling and pulling yourself along. Others have done it before you but this is your first time.


Finally you pull yourself up and stand. Plop! You’re down, but you will get up, again and again. Then a foot may accidentally move forward, and you discover you have moved! And plop. Start all over again.


Keep trying. Keep falling. Keep getting up.


And finally you are running all over like you had done it all your life. But it started with that tiny bit of success.


What is the smallest, tiniest, most minute bit of success you can identify in your life today? Identify, enjoy, imitate and repeat.


Keep building. It does not have to be the first time it is done to be an important success – it just has to be a success for you. Get more!


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