Want Change to Get You Out of a Stinky Situation?

Ready for a change


It is exhausting to think about searching for new ways to do things, what is better, or what is not.  But so is sitting in your own (or often someone else’s) dung. Taking that idea farther, sitting and wishing that others would treat you better, change, become who you want them to be (even if it’s for their own good) is a waste of a good life. Yours! And others – if you have children.

What provokes change – change! If you are waiting for someone selfish to change, by continuing to give them what they want – (listen carefully) . . . IT WILL NOT CHANGE!

Read that last paragraph again!

There is no payoff for them to change if they get everything they want without making an effort, by continuing to be focused only on themselves. Why would they then start making an effort to stop getting what you want. THAT would be crazy. So why do we expect them to change to meet our expectations?

And back to you. Why are you sitting in that pile of dung waiting for it to turn in to roses? Get up and work with what you’ve got in your life. Make a plan to fulfill some of those dreams. Start walking toward your dreams & goals.

Yes, plans will change, roadblocks will come up, but you can take them as they come and work around them. But you’ve got to start some action to get something different. You can sit in a car all day but if it doesn’t move – you will still be in the same place.

Dreams and goals are not like pizza – delivered in 30 minutes or less or it’s free.

What is one small thing you could do different today to start some change in your life? Come on, we’ll walk together!

Feel free to share it in the conversation over at my Facebook page – Click Here.