Encore: Smile, It Will Annoy Enough Other People to Make it Worth It!


I’ve always thought that people need to feel good about themselves and I see my role as offering support to them, to provide some light along the way.  Leo Buscaglia


A positive attitude may not solve your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.


Smile! It may not solve your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it work the effort.   Unknown



As a society that is so focused on science and thinking, it’s ironic that we are just beginning to identify and validate the reality, that what we think changes who we are. It changes how we feel emotionally and physically, and what happens in our life. Research is finally “discovering” what so many have known for so long, that although what happens to us is important, it is far more important what we think about what happens to us, what we think we can do and what we choose to deem as important. It affects our minds, our bodies, our actions and choices; even the people we take notice of and allow or don’t allow in to our lives.

This of course isn’t new to humanity. And some have continued to understand and discuss how important our attitude is in our lives. Some even, to the point of making the difference between our happiness and satisfaction versus anger and despair. Some of those great minds understood the power we have, despite and because of our circumstances, to choose to enjoy our life or destroy it. I hope that you will take these words and by applying them, change your life.

Now I wouldn’t try to convince you that by thinking of treasure and beaches that you would become rich and live a life of leisure with no problems. I would rather bring you back to what you probably already know but may or may not always be applying in your life. I would encourage you to choose what you believe, how you act and even how you feel about yourself, others and your life. Because if you could choose to be happy or angry, which would you prefer?

For myself, I identify with the quote above from Leo Buscaglia, which is the way I have felt even as a child. But some days, (cranky days), I feel more like the second quote – I know a positive attitude will more aptly bring the life outcomes I want, but I feel a little frustrated with some of the people around me who seem to be testing my choice.

I never want to stay in that frame of mind, where I start resenting other people, believing they have the power to control my life. When I get there, my rule of thumb is a 15 minutes of whining and self-pity (depending on how big the problem is). Then look for things to be grateful for. That reactivates both thankfulness and compassion, changing my perspective and my attitude toward myself and others.

What do you feel is your focus or role in life? And what do you do when you start feeling frustrated or resentful and ungrateful? Feel free to share in the conversation over at my Facebook page – Click Here.