Is Life Moving You To Get Moving In Some Way?



This has been moving week. This is not my first rodeo move, so no surprises there. I am have been waiting for this move, looking forward to this move for a long time. I love the excitement of starting fresh in a new place, arranging and decorating. I also love exploring the nearby locations for everything.


This move has, in fact, been an answer to many prayers. It has also been a daily (hourly? minute-by-minute?) revelation of the effects of life on your stamina and strength unless carefully cajoled and countered. Even then, it is not always possible to avoid.


That is what I found out the last few days. That I am out of shape. And old(er). And weaker. From a myriad of causes, ranging from multiple birthdays and couch-potato simulations, to illness and medications. None the less, it ticks me off!


I am exhausted as never before, I am slower than my nearby fencepost, and I have the strength of a 2 year old. In fact, it is rumored that if you lined me up with a fencepost to judge my speed – I may be moving backwards in the race.  🙂


I do believe that the many days of preparation for this move have been boring, frustrating and helpful. They have also been emotionally draining, enticing and erratic – oscillating between thrilled and scared out of my mind to make the changes that go with this move.


It is helpful because, although I am exhausted to the bone, I am probably stronger and have more stamina than I did weeks and months ago. I just can’t tell it yet because of the great need right now for continuous energy.


Isn’t that the way it sometimes goes? We need some push, some deadline or emergency or goal to get us to begin working on building up to what we want to attain. Sometimes that goal is not enough. We often need Sneaky Circumstances. Something we cannot escape, to get us moving. Like, in my case, actually “moving.”


When the move is finished, it will be up to me to plan some actions to retain the improved strength and stamina. Without that plan and follow-through, I will lose what I have gained.


Has that happened to you, where life has forced you into working toward your desired goal, almost without your control? Did you keep the gain?


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