If You Believed In You… Who Would You Be?




“A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.”  Mahatma Gandhi


What we think about, what we do and who we are, are like a three-strand cord bound together, pulling all things together in to one direction. That is why it is so difficult to change. We often try to change but only address one part of that issue, or maybe even two parts, which will give us a better chance.

But when we put all those three things together – we become that product of what we think. Because what we think about is what we do, who we are, what we become or stay.

Have you ever been having a conversation and tried to write something else at the same time, only to find that you wrote what you were saying and thinking? Or been driving somewhere, become engrossed in a conversation with someone or listening to something on the radio, and found you were on “auto-pilot”.  You did not even remember the drive you had just completed?

Or you ended up where you would normally go when driving on that street, which may or may not have been where you meant to go? How about those things that come out of your mouth before you stop to think? Those are the thoughts deep within that are driving what you do, what you say and what you believe.

If we choose to focus our thoughts on something, and do that thing. And it is in unison with what we believe about ourselves, which leads us back to the thoughts, then we can be that person we want to be.

If we think about how incompetent we believe that we are, we act incompetent, in keeping with our thoughts and beliefs, which validates who we believe we are and can only be. Thus, even if we do something which is not incompetent – we will judge it as being so. And we lock ourselves into that box.

We can however choose to change our thoughts, think about what makes someone the type of person we want to be, i.e. what does a kind person do, think, etc. As we focus our thoughts on whatever we have chosen, it opens the mind to follow those instructions. And as we act “as a kind person, competent or “whatever,” then we become that person.

However, if my focus all day is only on what I can get out of other people, I only “see” how I can use people, and those are the actions I will take, thus being a selfish user. That is the value I have chosen and will fulfill.

What do you want to focus on this week? I’ll start – I want to focus on feeling I am “enough” – competent and accepting of who I am and am not. How about you?

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