How Long Do You Want To Carry All That Baggage?


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How long DO you want to carry all that baggage?


You know the saying “we all got baggage.” Does that mean that you have to carry all your baggage forever?


Did you know that once you let go of the bag, you let go of the weight? You don’t HAVE TO carry all of that baggage forever. Just because you picked it up doesn’t mean you have to keep carrying it. Just because someone handed it to you doesn’t mean you have to pick it up. Or keep it.


Does the idea of letting go of your baggage scare you to death?


How will you explain what you do and don’t do, or who you are, without the baggage to blame. And you have the “right” to be this way – because of the baggage. I have a right to fail or quit or cry and give up or lay down – because of my baggage! It can be my excuse NOT to fail. I refuse to even try – because of my baggage.


Funny thing is, those bags have handles. And if you let go, they fall away. Hmmmm…


Sometimes I pick it back up though, because I am so used to carrying it.


Walk away from the bag! It isn’t any better the second, third or 27th time you pick it up.


Stand tall. Stretch your arms. See what you can reach for, now that your arms are free!


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