Beyond “What do you want to be?”


Taking Time to Be
Taking Time to Be

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” For some, the answer comes spilling out of their mouth even as a child, generally as a career objective, a basketball player, a teacher, a doctor, and so on. But for many of us, (some of us many more decades in than we will admit to) are still figuring that out. And some have tried on different things but are still searching. That’s okay. Because being isn’t a setting or a slot that you settle into for the rest of your life. It is a process. And it includes what I was yesterday, and today and will be tomorrow. It is being alive and experiencing and processing. And giving back. And when we have the opportunity to “be” we have more of an opportunity to look for what we want in that process of “being.” Don’t be so busy “doing” that you aren’t “being.”


In this world of busyness, what do you do to remind yourself to “be,” not just do? Please write your list below.


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