I hope today is a beautiful day for you.
I hope that today (and tomorrow, and tomorrow’s tomorrow…), the things that I am grateful for will come tumbling off my lips faster than all the complaints often do. I hope the same for you.
I hope I can see that sometimes what seems like a good thing – isn’t. And sometimes what seems like a bad thing, is just a good thing, not finished baking yet. But you have to look deeper to know. I hope the same for you.
I hope that today, you are able to identify what really matters to you, and enjoy it/them. I hope that doors open and shut, according to what you need in your life. And I wish you the wisdom to recognize the difference.
I hope that today we can all step toward truly loving ourselves. As no better than others. And certainly no less. That way when we give love to others, it is a gift given from strength and abundance. Not a payment given in hopes of redeeming our perceived “less than” selves.
I wish us all gratitude, because it changes what we see and who we are.
Happy Thanksgiving – from me.
And thank you for being on this journey with me.