Encore: How will you know when you are enough?


We keep running after that elusive dream, that line on the side of our container, that person to fill our cup, that thing we could do – to make us finally feel like we are enough. Sadly, we get to that place, we reach that goal, we acquire that thing, we serve that person. And we still do not feel like “Enough.”

It may have taken a number of people in your lifetime, or maybe only one, to make you feel you were “less than.” The bad news is that no other person on earth can fill that place in you to make you feel that you are enough. The good news is that you are the only person on earth who can make you feel that you are enough.

If you have been waiting for someone to give you permission to accept yourself, make good choices and live your life – today is your lucky day. You have won the lottery of permission granting – Advance Directly to Permission Granting – and give yourself permission to be you this year. And permission to accept that you are “Enough.” Not perfect, not always right, just Enough.

And how will you know when you are enough? When you know in your heart and mind, and can say to yourself (and others) “I am enough.” You will know when you no longer feel you have to prove your right for existence.

You will know when you stop making bad choices, uncomfortable choices, out-of-character for-you choices. You’ll know when you stop trying to prove to others that you are “Enough.” You’ll know when you start making choices that line up with the plan you choose for your life.

What will be different when you know that you are “Enough?”

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