Celebrating “Being There” Today, I Was Mindful of Each Moment




Last week, we talked about how easy it is “Not” to be in the moment, the event, or even in your life. Because it is an issue for me and many of us, I too have been trying to be more in the moment, especially the good ones. And I have tried to be in the moment of accepting that I am safe and most things will pass – when I am in a difficult or painful moment.


This week I am particularly motivated to be in the moment because I am getting to spend the holiday visiting one of my sons. This brings about a group of competing feelings fighting being in the moment. The first group is the grumbly, angry, shaming thoughts that try to push us into feeling guilty when we do something enjoyable, take a vacation, stop to enjoy our lives, etc.


The second group of thoughts is celebrating the fun of getting to spend time being with one of my very favorite people, my youngest son. The third group of thoughts is the sadness that I don’t get to spend time with two other of my very favorite people, my oldest son and his wife.


I chose and had to keep choosing what thoughts I was going to focus on. I could allow the thoughts of “shoulda, woulda, & coulda” to rob me of today’s joy while shaming me for taking the time to enjoy life.


I could allow thoughts of sadness that my family could not all be together this Christmas, to keep my focus on what I don’t have.


Or I could do what I chose to do this year. I chose to “Be Here” and experience today instead of missing out on it while focusing on the day that was not happening. And I have been having a great time!


The weather has been beautiful, the food is good, and the company is better. To top it off, we made a memory today, seeing the new Star Wars movie. And I was Really there!


Enjoy your holidays this year! And give yourself the gift of presence. Be there!


(PS I was so busy “being there” that I forgot to “be here.”    🙂


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