Are Your Conversations Driving You Where You Want To Go?



Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.  Thomas Jefferson

Have you ever had a conversation with someone where no matter what you said they were determined that nothing could change or get better. For every suggestion you made, they were armed with an arsenal of reasons why “that could never work” and quite possibly would make their life even worse.

Did you finally give up and walk away? Or at the very least, feel extremely frustrated that no matter what, that person had chosen that their life was going to be a crisis or catastrophe and that they were the innocent victim? Have you ever been that person?

What about the person who has or is going through hard times but continues to make a plan and work toward a better outcome, or at least seeks for it without feeling the victim? Have you met that person or read about someone who came from the most difficult of circumstances and endured trial after trial but yet they kept walking toward their dream? Are you that person?

Stop and think about the differences between these two types of people. Many times the second person is actually going through much more difficult circumstances even than the first. But they are determined not to quit, not to accept defeat, not to sit on the couch in a grand pity party.

That does not mean that they have not had their moments of discouragement or even self-pity, but they have chosen to get back up and keep moving toward their goal, no matter the speed. They may have sat in self-pity for a short time, but they chose to let go of that and look forward.

The first person continues to look backward and predict that nothing can change because the past is their total focus. If you ask them about their future goals – the first is convinced they will never reach them and the second person is convinced they will meet theirs. They are both right.

Some days I am the first, some days the second. Hopefully more days I am the second. Which person are you? Is that who you want to be?  If not, today is the first day you can be who you want to be – start looking forward.

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