Afraid to Stay the Same, Afraid of Change!


2013-08-31 09.40.17

Do you ever find yourself thinking about your life and wishing for things to be different? A different house, a different job, a different city, different relationships, and so on? Most of us do.

For myself, this year (again) I have wished away the winter, wished for lots of differences in my life. But then when the possibility came up, I panicked. The fear raised its ugly head along with its twin self-doubt. Together the thoughts that then raced through my head were all of the replays of mistakes I had made in the past, and the “what ifs”. What if I do this and its the “wrong” choice? What if I make a mistake? What if I’m not good enough?

Hmmmm – heard that one before. What if? So what! What if I try something new and I fail? One of two things will happen. I will either find that it is not something I want to do. Or I will get up and try again, learning from what didn’t work last time. And again, and again, and again.

Because that is how change moves from terrible scary to wow, glad I did that. Because if you don’t try it, you will be haunted by the wonder of what if you had tried and succeeded. Because if you had never tried something new – you would never have found your favorites. At some point they weren’t your favorites – they were unknown.

If you’re going to be afraid either way, the only way to get rid of the pain of the fear is to go for it!

What is one word that describes the best thing you ever did when you faced your fear and did it anyway? Feel free to share it in the conversation over at my Facebook page – Click Here.